Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)


Departments & Ministries.

The success of our Church depends on participation from people like you. Get involved in our Ministries – it will change your life.

Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)
Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)

Intercessory/Prayer Ministry

We know and many of us have seen first-hand that God will meet needs beyond our imagination if we will allow Him to. We also have prayer for individual

Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)
Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)

Sunday School Ministry

We exist to teach the congregation the truths of scripture, teaching the Word of God, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, in truth, simplicity and with integrity.

Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)
Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)

Men's Ministry

Our Men’s Ministry is responsible for uniting the men through fellowship and Christian service according to the principles and doctrines of the church.

Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)
Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)

Women's Ministry

The Women Ministry aims to engage and equip women and youth girls to discover God-given identity and purpose, making a difference.

Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)
Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)

Youth Ministry

Christ Ambassadors or the Youth Alive inspire intentional discipleship, provide teacher enrichment to shape character and sharpen skills, etc.

Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)
Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)

Mission & Outreach

Mission department is the arm of the church responsible for organizing evangelical outreaches and crusades for the church and following up on members and newly won souls.

Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)
Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)

Miracle Family

Miracle Family is a music ministry that believes in the importance of declaring the Goodness and Glory of God at all times; and prayerfully prepare our Worship Service with this truth in mind.

Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)
Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)

Children's Ministry

The Children's Ministry is built upon the solid foundation of Matthew 19:14 “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the Kingdom belongs to such as these”.

Donate to Support

Miracle Centre AG is soliciting for funds to support Church building project

Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)

Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)

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    “Pray! And listen to God! You can do find somebody to do it with

    Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK) Miracle Centre Assemblies of God (UK)


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